School Schedule
Start and Dismissal Times
Start Time
7:30 AM (bell to go to class rings at 7:24 AM)
2:41 PM
Bell Times
1st Hour- 7:30- 8:28
2nd Hour- 8:33-9:26
3rd Hour- 9:31-10:24
4th Hour- 10:29-11:22
1st Lunch- 11:22-11:47
5th Hour- 11:52-12:45
5th Hour- 11:27-12:20
2nd Lunch- 12:20-12:45
6th Hour- 12:50-1:43
7th Hour- 1:48-2:41
600, 800, Gym, Field House will go to 1st lunch
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, Auditorium, and Library will go to 2nd lunch