Policies and Procedures
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CHS Student Handbook
Discipline Policies and Procedures
The Covington High School discipline plan has been established to promote desirable student conduct and behavior. CHS administration reserves the right to consider the academic placement, attitude, age, pattern of misconduct, degree of cooperation and any other aggravating or mitigating circumstances before taking disciplinary action. Our school resource officer will also be involved in any major discipline events.
Discipline Consequences Explained:
Teacher-Assigned Detention:
a. Teachers have the option to host a before school, after school, or lunch detention facilitated by the teacher and held in their classroom.
b. This is a classroom management consequence that teachers may opt to use in an effort to correct misbehaviors prior to elevating students to a major discipline infraction.
School Facilitated Lunch Detention:
a. Held during 1st or 2nd lunch Monday through Friday in room 123.
b. Issued for misbehavior that is not serious or chronic enough to merit Friday Detention. No food or drink, no cell phones, no sleeping.
c. Teachers must complete a short form and submit it to the office when issuing a school facilitated lunch detention.
Friday Detention:
a. Held from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on campus in a designated room. Students must report to the detention room promptly at 3:00 p.m. If a student is late, he/she will be considered a no-show and escalated discipline will ensue.
b. Students must bring books, writing tools, and assignments to Friday Detention.
c. Students are able to reschedule a Friday detention one time to coordinate with jobs and extracurricular activities.
d. If a student fails to serve a Friday Detention, he or she will be rescheduled to the next Friday Detention. If the student fails to serve a Friday Detention twice, the discipline will be escalated to a suspension.
e. Misbehavior in Friday Detention will result in suspension. No food or drink, no cell phones, no sleeping.
In-School Detention/Support (ISD):
a. Usually assigned to one class period during the school day where the behavior occurred.
b. Students will be excluded from regular classes and will report to the ISS room for the entire instructional day, including lunch.
c. Students must bring all textbooks and his or her Chromebook and charger.
d. The students will complete any and all classwork provided by their teachers in Google Classroom or on paper.
e. Once all classwork is completed, students are expected to engage in silent sustained reading for the remainder of the assigned detention period.
f. Students must comply and cooperate with the ISS facilitator for given ISS time.
g. No food/drink/cell phones/sleeping.
h. Misbehavior or non-compliance in ISD will result in a repeat day in ISD or an in-school suspension.
In-School Suspension/Support (ISS):
i. Usually one to two days
j. Students will be excluded from regular classes and will report to the ISS room for the entire instructional
day, including lunch.
k. Students must bring all textbooks and his or her Chromebook and charger.
l. Students will begin their ISS experience completing a reflection assignment administered by the ISS staff member. Failure to complete the reflection task will result in an additional day of ISS.
m. Once the reflection assignment is completed, the students will complete any and all classwork provided by their teachers in Google Classroom or on paper.
n. Once all classwork is completed, students are expected to engage in silent sustained reading for the remainder of the school day.
o. Students are allowed to make up work for full credit when suspended, however, the work must be submitted to teachers upon returning to school.
p. Students must comply and cooperate with the ISS facilitator for given ISS time.
q. No food/drink/cell phones/sleeping.
r. Misbehavior or non-compliance in ISS will result in a repeat day in ISS or an out of school suspension.
a. Typically one to three days out of school; could go as high as five days for a major event. i.e. fighting, repeated vape incidents, etc.
b. Students are allowed to make up work for full credit when suspended, however, the work must be submitted to teachers upon returning to school.
c. Parent-student-administrator conference required prior to student’s return to classes. This can be held upon initial issuance of discipline. A face-to-face meeting with a parent/guardian is preferred.
d. Students are not allowed on the school campus during their suspension. This includes participating in extracurricular activities, attending athletic events, concerts, and non-academic events during a suspension.
e. Students will not be allowed to attend any CHS dance or school-sponsored events 45 school days from the beginning of a suspension.
Recommendation for Expulsion:
a. This recommendation is submitted to the Supervisor of Administration at Central Office.
b. Hearing will be scheduled between student, parent, school site administrator, and senior supervisor and held at Harrison Curriculum Center or other designated location.
c. Expulsion recommendations are made at the school site, but the final decision is determined by St. Tammany Parish School Board Supervisor. Placement in alternative setting or return to school site after hearing will be contingent upon the decision of supervisor and/or School Board members.
d. This recommendation is reserved for severe offenses or elevation of consequences based on discipline history.
Acts of misconduct listed here are those classified as inappropriate student behaviors in the classroom or on the school grounds and those behaviors that disrupt the orderly educational process in the school or on the school grounds. These are listed under Groups 1, 2, 3 of the St. Tammany Parish Schools Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records.
Classroom Misbehavior – ranges from teacher held detention and parental contact to suspension depending
upon how severe or chronic the misbehavior.
Willful Disobedience – ranges from teacher held detention and parental contact to suspension depending upon
how severe or chronic the misbehavior.
Possession/Use of Tobacco, Tobacco Paraphernalia, Look-Alike Tobacco Products, E-cigarettes, Vaping
Devices, Lighter/Matches, Smokeless Tobacco, Nicotine packs, or any device that allows for inhalation of
● First offense – 3 days OSS
● Second offense – 5 days OSS and Conference with District Leadership
● Third offense – 5 days OSS/Recommendation for Expulsion/Completion of YSB Program
Off Limit Area Violation – ranges from detention to suspension. Due to the large size of the CHS campus, it is necessary to limit students to those areas which are regularly supervised. Students should use the restrooms between classes and during lunch. Students are discouraged from using the restroom during class and this should not become a habit. Being out of class decreases the amount of time students have to learn. Following afternoon dismissal students are to exit the campus by 3:00 pm. Students that do not drive or ride the bus must be picked up from school by 3:00 or at least have a parent in the car-line waiting prior to 3:00 p.m. Students may remain on campus in the afternoon only for activities that are under the direct supervision of a faculty member. At the conclusion of the activity students should leave the campus immediately. Students not under direct supervision that remain on campus, after school or after an activity, will be subject to disciplinary action. Off-limit areas include CHS tennis courts, inside school buildings without supervision/permission outside of school hours, and football stadium/fieldhouse area. All parking lots and roads are off limits to students during the day unless under the direct supervision of a teacher or with administrative permission. Students riding the bus to school are not allowed to meet students in the parking lot. All remote areas and unsupervised areas of the campus not specifically mentioned are also considered off limits. Additionally, students violating off limit areas may be arrested by the Covington Police Department for criminal mischief and/or criminal trespassing. Finally, any student found to be in off limit areas of campus will be added to the “Limit Out of Class” list.
Leaving Class, Campus or Other Location w/o Permission - ranges from ISS to OSS. Once a student arrives on campus, regardless of the time, he/she may not leave campus unless they have officially checked out of school. This includes bus riders. Student drivers that leave campus will have their parking decals revoked for a designated period of time after the second offense. Finally, any student found to be in skip class or leave campus will be added to the “Limit Out of Class” list.
Dress Code Violation (if student cannot correct and become compliant, he/she will remain in ISS)
● First offense - detention and required compliance.
● Second offense - detention and required compliance
● Third offense – ISD and required compliance
● Fourth offense – ISS and required compliance
● Fifth offense – continue to advance on discipline ladder and required compliance
Disrespect to Teacher/Staff – ranges from teacher held detention and parental contact to suspension depending
upon how severe or chronic the misbehavior.
Forgery/Lying/Plagiarism – consequences for this type of misbehavior range from reprimand to suspension
depending upon the exact nature and seriousness of the offense, the pattern of misconduct, and any other
mitigating factors. Plagiarism is cheating.
● First offense - Zero on the assignment; parent-teacher conference
● Second offense – Zero on the assignment; ISS
● Third offense - Zero on the assignment; OSS
● Fourth offense - Zero on the assignment; continue to advance on discipline ladder and required
Stealing and/or Possession of Stolen Property – 5 day out of school suspension [Note: Students may not open or go through the belongings of others without specific permission from the owner.] This type of action will be considered attempted theft. Theft can result in arrest by the Covington Police Department and chronic/severe theft could result in recommendation for expulsion.
Possession/Use of Cell Phone, Earbuds, or any unauthorized electronic device– Cell phones, tablets, smart watches, and similar electronic communication devices are a serious disruption to the learning environment. Louisiana Law Act 313 states, “No student shall possess, on his person, an electronic telecommunication device throughout the instructional day. If a student brings an electronic telecommunication device in any public elementary or secondary school building or on the grounds thereof during an instructional day, the electronic device shall either be turned off and properly stowed away for the duration of the instructional day or prohibited from being turned on and used during the instructional day.” Any student, unless authorized by the Principal or their designee, are prohibited from using their electronic communication devices or having their electronic communication devices in their pockets from the point a student arrives to campus until the dismissal bell rings at 2:41pm. Electronic communication devices should be powered off and stored in students’ backpacks until the dismissal bell rings. THIS INCLUDES EARBUDS, EARPHONES, and SMART
WATCHES. Students in violation of this State Law will have their electronic communication devices confiscated and discipline will be administered as provided below. Additionally, electronic devices will only be returned to a parent or guardian after school hours (2:41 – 3:30) on the day confiscated. After the initial day of confiscation, the electronic device can be returned to the parent during school hours. Progressive consequences will be followed as listed below. Consequences for possession of cell phone during school day (6:55-2:41):
● First offense - item taken and ISS (1 day)
● Second offense - item taken and ISS (2 days)
● Third offense - item taken and OSS (1 day)
● Fourth offense - item taken, OSS (2 days), and Parent-District Conference
● Fifth offense - item taken and recommendation for expulsion
Use or Related Disruption – A cell phone or other electronic communication device that is visible is considered in use. A device that rings during class is considered a disruption. Students are expected to submit their telecommunication devices to a teacher/administrator when requested. If the student does not comply with the request to turn over the device, the disciplinary consequences listed above will increase substantially and the student will be immediately removed to the ISS room for the day. For any violation that is deemed to be egregious in nature, videoing or photographing other students, or is disruptive to the school, the discipline consequences shall be increased to an appropriate level. Parents/guardians trying to contact students via cell phone during school hours or vice versa is not an acceptable excuse for cell phone use. Parents who need to contact their child at school are asked to call 892-3422 and notify student services. Parents should not call or send messages to their child’s cell phone during school hours. Students using their phones will be held accountable even if they are communicating with their parents. It is not the responsibility of CHS to investigate reports of missing electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, earbuds, laptops, or other similar contraband that are brought to school by students. Reports of missing electronic devices will be forwarded to the School Resource Officer and the school is under no obligation to search for them.
Defacing or Destroying Property/Vandalism/Pranks – depending on the severity of the offense the students will be required to make restitution and/or pay a fine or clean-up fee. Students may also be issued Friday Detention, suspension, or be recommended for expulsion.
Unauthorized/Misuse of School-Provided Technology – ranges from detention to suspension/potential loss of
technology privileges for the remainder of the year.
Public Displays of Affection – kissing, prolonged embraces, inappropriate body contact, grabbing, etc are inappropriate in the school setting. Consequences could range from warning/parent notification to a recommendation for expulsion.
Using or Publishing Profane, Obscene, Indecent or Immoral, Libelous or Offensive Language, Including Racial Slurs, and/or Gestures – Profanity is considered inappropriate behavior anytime on the school campus or school activity. Indiscriminate profanity could range from a detention to a suspension. Profanity directed at an individual will result in higher discipline. Consequences range from ISS to suspension/ recommendation for expulsion. Use of the “f-word” by any student on campus will result in a 1 – 3 day Out of School Suspension depending on the severity of the usage.
Bullying – Bullying and cyber-bullying are forms of aggression and will not be tolerated. Bullying involves conduct that is hurtful to others both face to face and/or via electronic means to include social media. It happens when a person is subjected to intentional, unwanted, and unprovoked hurtful actions. It can be physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual in nature. Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated. Bullying is not acceptable behavior at CHS and when reports are found to be accurate, consequences will be issued depending on the severity of the bullying. Consequences could be at any level on the discipline ladder ranging from a reprimand to a recommendation for expulsion. Victims of bullying should clearly tell the bully to stop. If bullying persists then the victim should report the problem immediately to a teacher or an administrator. The victim should also tell their parents. It is helpful for the victim to make a written record of the incident(s) including date(s), time(s), place(s), witness(es), and the name of the bully or bullies. Bullying is covered in greater detail in the St. Tammany Parish District Handbook for Students and Parents.
Physical Fight – Any student participating in a fight will be suspended out of school for minimum of 5 school days. Proper steps to help avoid fights include notifying the administration of potential problems and avoidance of verbal altercations. Walking away from the situation is an important step in avoiding a possible fight. Group fights, premeditated fights, violent attacks, and/or fighting after intervention efforts were made, will result in arrest and recommendation for expulsion. The safety of our students is paramount. Note: A 2nd offense or higher for fighting or any other type of violent act could result in a recommendation for expulsion. Verbal Altercations – arguments that escalate to threatening or profane nature or instigation of a physical fight will also result in suspension. These situations are serious disruptions to the educational environment. Repeated violations of this nature will be subject to elevated discipline per the STPSB district handbook. Note: A 2nd offense or higher for fighting or any other type of violent act could result in a recommendation for expulsion.
Failure to Wear ID – ID’s are required and must be worn in a visible area above the waist. If a student forgets or loses their ID they are required to purchase a daily temporary ID from a teacher or Student Services PRIOR TO SECOND HOUR CLASS or upon check in. Detention is assigned for failure to wear ID or failure to purchase a current temporary ID. Discipline will be considered “willful disobedience” if a student has his/her ID on their person, yet refuses to wear it properly. ID’s are to be worn around the neck or on a clip-on type badge holder. Temporary IDs are to be placed on the left or right chest area in the area of the pocket on a t-shirt.
ID’s are not to be tied to book sack and slung over shoulder.
● First offense - detention and purchase temporary ID
● Second offense - Friday detention and purchase temporary ID
● Third offense - ISS (1 day) and purchase temporary ID
● Fourth offense - ISS (2 days) and purchase temporary ID
● Fourth offense - OSS (1 day), purchase temporary ID, charged for permanent ID
● Fifth offense - OSS (2 days), purchase temporary ID, Parent-District Conference
Listed next are group 4 and 5 acts of misconduct. Refer to the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records for detailed information on behaviors that seriously disrupt the educational process in the classroom, in the school, or on the school grounds. The following infractions and disciplinary actions for behaviors are listed under Groups 4 and 5 and are detailed more specifically in the St. Tammany Parish School Board district handbook.
These acts of misconduct include those student behaviors that very seriously disrupt the orderly educational process. In most cases, these behaviors also are illegal. Behaviors in group four include the following. Possible Disciplinary Actions for Group 4 include: parent/ administrative conference, out of school suspension (3-10 days), disciplinary reassignment, police notification, expulsion
4-1 Assault
4-2 Extortion
4-3 Fighting - more than two (2) people
4-4 Inciting or participation in a riot
4-5 Intentional disrespect and aggression
4-6 Persisting in serious acts of disobedience or misconduct
4-7 Possession, use, or delivery of fireworks
4-8 Sexual harassment
4-9 Theft or possession of stolen property
4-10 Threatening faculty member or school personnel and students8
4-11 Use of intimidation, coercion, or force
4-12 Vandalism/criminal damage to property
These acts of misconduct include those illegal or criminal student behaviors that most seriously disrupt the orderly educational process such as the following. Possible Disciplinary Actions for Group 5 include: out of school suspension (minimum of 5 days), disciplinary reassignment, police notification, expulsion
5-1 Aggravated assault
5-2 Aggravated battery
5-3 Arson
5-4 Battery
5-5 Bomb threat
5-6 Burglary
5-7 Delivery or distribution of any controlled dangerous substance
5-8 Disorderly conduct
5-9 Engaging in any other illegal behavior
5-10 False activation of fire alarm
5-11 Possession or under the influence of alcohol, look-a-like substance, or mood-altering chemical or drug
5-12 Possession or under the influence of any controlled dangerous substance
5-13 Robbery
5-14 Sex violations
5-15 Trespassing
5-16 Use, possession, and/or concealing of a weapon or look-alike firearm
5-17 Wearing or possessing body armor on school property
5-18 Vandalism/criminal damage of personal property of school personnel or school property