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1.  Northshore Technical Community College and the Northshore College Enhancement Foundation are pleased to be able to offer scholarships for incoming and returning students. These scholarships are available for almost every program, and they are offered on a basis of merit with consideration also given for financial need in some instances. Each scholarship is subject to specific eligibility requirements. Please be careful to complete all sections of the application to ensure that your application is considered for all scholarships for which the eligibility requirements are met.  If interested in attending NTCC, click on this link.  Pay attention to scholarship application deadlines!

2. Northshore Home Builders Assoc. / LCEF Construction Pathways

Overview:  The Northshore Home Builders Association & Louisiana Construction Education Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established in October 2020 to support education for Jump Start certificate and Jump Start diploma recipients enrolled in NTCC construction pathways programs. NTCC will award one scholarship per academic year.


Applicant must have a cumulative High School GPA of 2.0 or greater.

Applicant must be a First-Time Freshman.

Applicant must be majoring in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Building Technology Specialist, Electrical, or Welding.

3. Weeks Marine & Louisiana Construction Education Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Overview:  The Weeks Marine & Louisiana Construction Education Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established in November 2020 to support education for Jump Start certificate and Jump Start diploma recipients enrolled in NTCC construction pathways programs. NTCC will award one scholarship per academic year. The recipient will be recognized at the annual Chancellor’s Sunrise Breakfast


Applicant must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or greater.

Applicant must be a new incoming student.

Applicant must be an HVAC, Building Technology, Electrician or Welding major.

Applicant must have completed a Jump Start Certificate or Louisiana high school Jump Start diploma.