Students of the Month
2024-2025 Students of the Month
2024-2025 Student of the Year
September 2024
Each month the CHS Student of the Month Committee meets to select two CHS seniors. The committee selects these students based on the traits of scholarship, leadership, citizenship, and character. September’s Students of the Month are Taylor and Jackson.
Taylor is an honor student who always brings her best. She has consistently challenged herself with honors, AP and dual enrollment classes across the curriculum while maintaining a perfect GPA. Her ACT score is an impressive 33, with a superscore of 34. She received Departmental Awards in World Geography, English, and Geometry and attended Literary Rally each year. She was selected to represent CHS at HOBY and RYLA, and has competed at the FFA state level in Creed Speaking FFA, where she was a finalist. She was also named the MVP of the Regional Forestry Competition. Over her years at CHS,Taylor has been involved in leadership in her class, serving as the President, vice president, and for the past two years, as representative. She is the President of the National Honor Society, a member of FCA, and a Lion Leader. She was selected as a speaker for the Junior Ring Ceremony. Elsewhere on campus, Taylor runs Varsity Cross Country and Distance Track and is the Wrestling Manager. Taylor volunteers her time and talents in the community, with over 150 hours of service each year of her high school career. Among many other things, she has served as a Miracle League Buddy, at the CHS Trick or Treat event, at river clean-ups and tree plantings, and as an active member of her church. Taylor’s teacher unanimously praise Taylor’s dedication to getting it right and going the extra mile–as well as her positivity and willingness to be a light and help to others.
Jackson is also an honor student with many accolades. Since his freshman year, his schedule has been filled with almost every honors dual enrollment class CHS offers. He was awarded the American History Academic Award, and received college credit through the CLEP test in that subject. He also has represented CHS at Literary Rally. Jackson attended Boys State last Summer and was named Most Outstanding Judge.jackson is a member of National Honor Society, Student Council, FCA, and Lion Leaders. Elsewhere on campus, he competes on the Fighting Lions Varsity Football, Track and Cross Country teams. Jackson gives of his time as a volunteer at junior high track meets, holiday food and toy drives, and at school board events. The teachers who nominated Jackson made note of his sincere attitude and his dedication to his academic achievement. They also commend him as a really nice guy.
Congratulations to these two deserving students! CHS is proud of you!
October 2024
Each month, a committee of faculty members meets to review seniors nominated for Students of the Month. The committee selects students based on academics, leadership, service, and character. The CHS October Students of the Month are Kallie and Chase.
Kallie is an honor student who has consistently challenged herself with the toughest coursework that CHS has to offer. From gifted, to AP, from honors to dual enrollment, across all subjects, Kallie has excelled. She scored an impressive 31 on the ACT, with a perfect 36 in English. Kallie represented CHS at the Vonnie Borden Festival where she received a superior rating both at the district and state levels. She also advanced to Round 2 of Poetry Out Loud in each year of high school. Kallie was named a UDA All-American, scored a 4 on her AP English exam last year and has been nominated for the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence. On campus, Kallie is very involved as a Dancin Darlin and serves as Co-Captain this year. She also performs with CHS’s Dance Department. As a part of CHS’s Talented Theater program, Kalle has performed the parts of Mr. Asa in Men on Boats and various ensemble roles. She also belongs to the National Honor Society. Kallie gives of her time and talents at Academic Clinic, Beautification Day, and at the dance team Kiddie Camp in the summer. After graduation, Kallie intends to attend college to pursue a career in medical laboratory science. Teachers who nominated Kallie point to her intelligence and determination as keys to her success and praise her positive and unfailingly respectful attitude.
Chase is also a gifted and determined student whose transcript boasts honors and dual enrollment classes galore. His GPA is near perfect, and his ACT is a strong 26. Chase was awarded the Dance Departmental Award and was named the The All District Football Team as an Honorable Mention in his sophomore year, and 2nd team in his junior year. On campus, Chase plays football for the Fighting Lions and is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He also belongs to The National Honor Society. Elsewhere in the Greater Covington Community, Chase gives of his time at his church at Vacation Bible School, Celebrate America, and the Live Nativity. He also volunteered at CHS’s Trick-or-Treat Street and CHS Beautification Day. Chase hopes to continue his education at the college level and major in Construction Management. Faculty members who nominated Chase commented on his maturity and composure, and how he commits fully to everything he does.
Congrats to these deserving and amazing students. We are proud to call you CHS Lions and thank you for the service you have provided to our community.
November 2024
Each month, a committee of teachers and staff meet to select a Student of the Month from those Seniors who have been nominated. The committee selects based on academics, school and community involvement, leadership, and character. We are proud to announce that CHS’s November Students of the Month are Megan and Cameron.
Megan’s GPA is a 4.4, and she achieved that GPS enrolling in some of the most challenging coursework that CHS has to offer. She also scored a 30 on the ACT. Needless to say, he has been on the Honor Rolls every semester of her high school career, and has represented CHS at Literary Rally in Algebra II and Pre Calc, as well as receiving the Departmental Award in Digital Media. In addition, Megan was selected to the 2nd Team All District as Pitcher in Softball. Megan comptes as a Lady Lion on the Softball Team and was named MVP of the team last year. Elsewhere on campus, Megan holds membership in the National Honor Society and Library Club, serves as a Lion Leader, and has been the Jumbotron Director for 3 years. Out in the greater Covington community, Megan has played travel softball for the past 5 years and has volunteered her time at the Bush Rec Center, Voter Registration Office, The Sheriff's Office Thanksgiving Basket Drive, and at CHS Academic Clinic. In addition, Megan holds a part-time job. After graduation, Megan plans to attend college and major in Aerospace Engineering. When nominating Megan, her teachers noted her dedication to perfection, her kind heart, and her amazing attitude.
Cameron is also an incredible student with an impressive 4.5 GPA, and a 26 on his ACT. In fact, Cameron has never made lower than an A since beginning CHS as a Freshman. He was awarded the Dance III Departmental Award last year. On campus, Cameron is a dedicated athlete, participating on the Varsity Football, Track and Golf Teams in his last few years of high school. He also played baseball early on in his CHS career. He is Adobe certified. Cameron is an involved member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes here at CHS and gives of his time and talents with his youth group at First Baptist Church in Covington as well as at VBS. He is a Bible Study Group leader and volunteered in disaster relief. In his nomination, multiple teachers praised Cameron’s attention to detail, his hard work and his dedication to balancing his academics and sports. Cameron plans to pursue a degree in business next year in college.
Congrats to both of these accomplished Seniors. We look forward to what comes next for both of you!
December 2024
Each month a committee of teachers meets to consider those seniors nominated as Student of the Month on the basis of scholarship, school involvement, leadership and character. At CHS we are fortunate to have so many deserving students, but this month’s Students of the Month are Ali and Rock.
Ali is an involved honor student whose coursework includes AP, DE, and honors courses across the curriculum, as well as talented theater classes. Her ACT Superscorse is a 26, and she has been on the honor roll every nine weeks during her CHS career with a 4.5 GPA. In addition to her academics, Ali has been recognized as All District Honorable Mention and Second Team in volleyball. At the Vonnie Borden Speech Festival, Ali placed 1st in One Act and 2nd in Dramatic Duo. She also placed 3rd at the CHS Shakespeare Competition. Ali is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is a 4 year member of the Lady Lions Varsity Volleyball team; she serves as a captain this season. Ali also competed on the Varsity Track and Soccer teams. Elsewhere on campus, Ali has performed with the CHS talented theater program in The Crucible, as Abigail Williams-a principal role-, as Anabella Schmidt in 39 Steps, and in the ensemble cast of Puffs and Dracula. In the greater Covington community, Ali has competed on the Infinty Volleyball travel team as well as other travel teams. She also gives of her time and talent at Vacation Bible School, CHS Volleyball Kiddie Camp and CHS Beautification Day. Teachers who nominated Ali praise her as hard working, kind, driven, and as a person who cares about her school and peers. Ali plans to begin college in the fall and pursue a career in orthodontics.
Rock’s resume also impresses with a 4.1 GPA and a 33 on the ACT. He, too, has pursued advanced coursework in every subject area, including DE Pre-Calculus and Drafting.. He received the 30+ ACT award, and is Adobe and Auto-Cad Certified. On campus, Rock is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and has played Varsity Baseball his whole career at CHS. In the community, Rock has volunteered with Victory Fellowship Feeding the Multitudes, helping out with hurricane recovery and at his church. After graduation, Rock plans to attend Tulane and pursue a career in real estate or engineering. Rock is described as courteous, conscientious, dedicated, and genuine.
Congrats to these two accomplished CHS seniors. We are proud of you!
January 2025
Each month, a committee of CHS faculty meets to select two CHS Seniors as Students of the Month. The committee chooses from nominees selected on the basis of academics, leadership, Extracurricular activities, and character. For January, CHS’s Students of the Month are Julia and Reed.
Julia is an outstanding student, as is evidenced by her 4.4 GPA, and she has consistently challenged herself with honors and dual enrollment coursework across the curriculum. She is certified as a Specialist in Adobe, and is also certified in Photoshop. On campus, Julia is an involved athlete competing in Varsity Track and Field and Volleyball, all 4 years of her high school career. She is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She has also been chosen to represent CHS for the Homecoming Court two times. In the community, Julia has volunteered her time and talents as a Volleyball Camp Coach and works part time as well. Mrs. Lizana, who nominated Julia, had to say of her, “Julia is a stranger to no one, and accepts people for who they are. She is kind, smart, athletic, and has great pride in her school.” After graduation, Julia plans to attend college and major in business.
Reed is also an exceptional student whose schedule is packed with honors, AP, and DE classes in every academic area. His GPA is an impressive 4.57, and he scored a 27 on the ACT. Reed is a CHS Varsity Track athlete and also a member of the Powerlifting Team. He has also competed on the USA Olympic Weightlifting team. In the larger Covington Community, Reed is involved at his church, participating in food drives and Christmas toy drives. Reed joined the Army National Guard and plans to attend college in the fall, after graduating, to pursue a degree in engineering with an eye towards becoming an orthopedic surgeon one day. Teachers who nominated Reed commented on his maturity, his never-say-die work ethic and his good nature. They predict big things for Reed.
Congrats, Julia and Reed! Good luck in your last semester of high school! We are so proud of you!
2023-2024 Students of the Month
- September 2023
- October 2023
- November 2023
- December 2023
- January 2024
- February 2024
- March 2024
- April 2024
September 2023
Student of the Month for September 2023
A committee of CHS teachers met to choose the Covington High School Students of the Month for September 2023. The committee selects from a pool of students nominated by the faculty based on the traits of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. September’s Students of the Month are Katelyn and Ian.
Katie is an honor student who has maintained a straight-A average throughout her entire CHS career while challenging herself with honors, AP, and dual enrollment classes. Her ACT Superscore is a 30, with a near perfect 34 in Reading. Katie received English I Department Award as well as the Algebra II and Desktop Publishing Department Awards. She was honored as the Honorable Mention All-District Shortstop. On campus, Katie is involved with the National Honor Society and as a 4-year letterman in Varsity Softball. She is also playing Varsity Volleyball in this her senior year. Katie serves a Paw Prints CTE intern and is CPR certified. In the greater Covington Community, Katie achieved the Bronze and Silver Awards is Girl Scouting and has given of her time and talent at the Humane Society and at Big Sky Ranch Cat Rescue. In addition to these amazing accomplishments, Katie manages to find the time to work part-time. In the future, Katie hopes to attend college and pursue a degree in business with an emphasis in graphic design. As Mrs. Hudmon says of Katie, “I am very proud to say Katie has been my intern for 2 years in the school print shop, Paw Prints. She is very creative and efficient in everything she does for me in the print shop and is literally my right hand.”
Ian also challenges himself with the toughest academic classes that CHS has to offer and he excels in each one, from Dual-enrolled Pre Calc to AP English. His ACT score is an impressive 31, with a 33 in Reading. Ian was recognized with the Departmental Award in Spanish and Science. Ian embraces academic challenges while balancing his very extensive extra-curricular activities. He holds membership in National Honor Society and is a former Leader of the Parliamentary Team. On the baseball diamond, Ian was named Co-Captain of the CHS Varsity Baseball Lions and is a 4-yearmember of that team. In the greater Covington Community, Ian has played travel baseball for 6 years. His team achieved the State Championship while he served as its Captain. He was honored with selection to the Atlanta Braves scout baseball team 2 times. He serves the community by volunteering for Hurricane Ida cleanup and at CHS school beautification day. After high school, Ian hopes to major in kinesiology in college and pursue a career as a physical therapist. Ian also works part-time. Teachers recognize Ian’s work ethic and strong sense of pride in his achievements. As Mrs. Huval says of Ian, “His sense of humor combined with his no-nonsense attitude make him an amazing student to have in class. He’s very bright and dedicated!”
Congratulations to both of these deserving students. Thanks for all you’ve done to show your Lion Pride!
October 2023
Each month a committee of teachers and staff meet to select Students of the Month from a pool of nominated Seniors. The committee considers students’ academics, leadership, community involvement, and character. This month’s CHS Students of the Month are Cali and Theo.
Cali is an amazingly giving student whose GPA and ACT are stellar. She has a 33 Composite score with a perfect 36 in Reading. Cali’s coursework includes Gifted, Honors, AP and Dual Enrollment courses across the board. She is a NEMS certified Emergency Responder. She represented CHS at HOBY and received the English Award in her Sophomore year. In addition to her Academics, Cali excels in athletics, as a three-year Varsity Powerlifting Lion. Her team accolades include National Champion, Regional Runner Up, North American Championship Runner Up. Individually, Cali holds records in squat, bench, and as a total record holder. Her
other passion is music. Cali has been a Marching Lion all 4 years, and serves this year as Band Captain and Section Leader. She was also named to the Wind Symphony all four years as well as being named to the District Honor Band and Jazz Band for two years She holds membership in both The National Honor Society and the Tri-M Music Honor Society. Cali also values philanthropic work, giving of her time to CHS Trick or Treat Street, feeder school outreach through band, Live Oak Missionary Baptist Church VBS, and volunteering at LPO performances. Cali manages all of this in addition to a part-time job as a hostess at a local restaurant. Cali’s teachers note her sharp intellect, her sharp wit, and her old soul, all of which make her a joy to have in class. After graduation, Cali hopes to major in Biology and pursue a career in Emergency Medicine.
Theo also challenges himself with the most advanced coursework that CHS has to offer, and excels, having straight As his whole career at CHS. His ACT score is an impressive 28, with a 31 in both English and Reading. Theo represented CHS at Boys’ State last summer and is certified in Adobe Premiere Pro and Autodesk Autocad, programs for video editing and drafting. On campus, Theo belongs to the National Honor Society where he has been a member for 3 years. Theo is also an avid athlete, having been a Varsity member of both the CHS Soccer and Track and FIeld teams for all 4 years. Theo served as team captain of the soccer team in his
Junior year, and was also named the Defensive Player of the Year. In his Sophomore year, he was named team MVP. Out in the Greater Covington community, Theo plays on a travel team at CYSA and also served as Team Captain on that team. He has given of his time and talents to the Lee Alexius Blue Heron Golf Tournament and participated at Trick or Treat Street here at CHS. In his spare time, Theo plays guitar and holds down a part-time job editing videos for Pontchartrain Yacht Club. The teachers who nominated Theo praise his sincerity, kindness, preparedness, and the balance he achieves between his academics and everything else. In
college, Theo hopes to enroll in college to study either Marine Biology or Mechanical Engineering.
Congratulations to both of these wonderful students and humans!
November 2023
Covington High School Student of the Month, November 2023
Each year, the CHS faculty nominates outstanding Seniors for CHS Student of the Month. The selection committee bases decisions on nominees’ academics, leadership, service, and character. November’s CHS Students of the Month are Laura and Zane.
Laura is an outstanding student whose dedication to her studies is impressive. She works hard to succeed in Honors and AP classes across the board. She was awarded the IBCA Departmental Award, and has been honored extensively at the Vonnie Borden Speech Festival. Last year she placed first in the One Act Play category, second in the Dramatic Duo category and was awarded a Superior rating in both. She also competed at the state level and received a Superior rating in the Dramatic Duo category. On campus, Laura devotes herself to the CHS band and theater programs. In her Junior year, she was First Chair Percussionist and Percussion Section Leader. She plays in the Jazz band this year, in addition to her performances with the Marching Lions. She is a past member of the Brass Band as well as the Wind Symphony. In theater, Laura has been a member of the Running Crew and Ensemble for numerous productions, from Dracula to Lights Out and On the Verge. More recently, she played Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz and Miss Higgins in The 39 Steps. She also holds membership in the National Honor Society and Tri-M Music Honor Society, where she serves as the VIce President. In the greater Covington Community, Laura is active in Girl Scouts where she received the Silver Award, and at her church where she volunteers as a singer and also at Vacation Bible School. In her spare time, Laura works part time at Panera Bread. Nominating teachers all commented on Laura’s kindness and newfound confidence, as well as her pursuit of excellence. After high school, Laura plans to attend Southeastern University and major in communications.
Zane’s academic success is also quite impressive. He consistently chooses the most challenging coursework that CHS has to offer, from DE PreCalculus to AP English. He has also earned college credit by taking the CLEP test in Psychology. Zane represented CHS at Literary Rally in Algebra II and Chemistry, and received the Award of Excellence for both Geometry and Chemistry. Zane also holds certifications in AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, and Autodesk Inventor. On campus, Zane is involved with the Robotics Team, the Science Olympiad Team, and National Honor Society. He has volunteered his efforts with a variety of organizations, including the Registrar of Voters, a local cemetery, and Monster Mash. He also volunteers as a tutor at Academic Clinic. Zane also manages to find time to work part-time. Zane’s teachers commend his inquisitive nature and his warm sense of humor, as well as his willingness to help others and put in the hard work it takes to be successful. Next year after graduation, Zane plans to head to college where he plans to major in software engineering.
Congratulations to these deserving students, and many thanks for the example that you set for your fellow students.
December 2023
A committee of CHS teachers met to choose the Covington High School Students of the Month for December 2023. The committee selects from a pool of students nominated by the faculty based on the traits of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. December’s Students of the Month are Emilia and Timmy.
Emilia is an honor student with a cumulative 4.5 GPA who has consistently challenged herself with advanced coursework in all subject areas: gifted, honors, and AP. Her ACT composite score is a near perfect 34. In addition to her academic success, Emilia is also a talented musician. She belongs to the CHS Wind Symphony where she plays the French Horn. In addition she plays trumpet with the Jazz band, and performs with the CHS Marching Lions. She has been elected to leadership positions in the band such as Sergeant and Assistant Section Leader. She has won the Perfect Attendance award in band in the past. In addition, Emilia is active in clubs such as National Honor Society, Robotics Tri-M Honor Society and Key Club. Emilia is also an active member of Girl Scouting and has volunteered in the community at her church and through National Honor Society. Teachers who nominated Emilia commend
her for her keen intellect and kind heart, as well as her excellent sense of humor. Upon graduation, Emilia plans to pursue a degree and career in pharmacy.
Timmy also excels as an honor student at CHS --with an amazing GPA of 4.35 and an ACT score of 28. He was chosen to represent CHS at Boys’ State and is certified in Adobe and AutoCad. He has, throughout his career at CHS, chosen to take honors, AP, and dual enrollment classes, and has been involved extensively across many different organizations. Timmy has actively participated in Robotics, serving as the CHS Robotics Team Lead designer, Vice President, and President as well as the lead programmer. His team has won many competitions and awards for CHS. Elsewhere on campus, Timmy has served as a class officer all 4 years. Most recently, in his senior year, he serves as a representative. In the National Honor Society, Timmy is a former Parliamentarian and 3 year member. Timmy also plays soccer as a CHS lIon. Out in the greater Covington community, Timmy is an active member of his church and volunteers there and at CHS on service days. Timmy is highly regarded by his teachers for his positive attitude and strong work ethic, but mostly because he is such a great guy. After graduation Timmy will attend college and pursue a major in computer science or engineering.
We are so proud of both of you, Emilia, and want to thank you for all that you do for our school--- and for the example you set for other students.
January 2024
A committee of CHS teachers met to choose the Covington High School Students of the Month for January 2024. The committee selects from a pool of students nominated by the faculty based on the traits of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. January’s Students of the Month are Elizabeth and Max.
Elizabeth is an honor roll student who has a 4.4 GPA. Her ACT score is 30, with an amazing 32 in Reading and in English. She challenges herself with dual enrollment and honors/AP classes here at CHS, earning both college and high school credit at the same time. Elizabeth has worked her way through the CHS EMR program and received her EMR certification last year. Elizabeth has been a member of The National Honor Society for most of her CHS career. She also competes as a Lady Lion on the Varsity Volleyball, Softball, and Track teams. In the Greater Covington Community, Elizabeth is involved with Miracle League Baseball and at New Heights where she has volunteered cleaning pens. After high school graduation, Elizabeth plan to pursue a degree in pre-dentistry. Teachers who nominated Elizabeth praise her strong work ethic and her great sense of humor.
Max is also an accomplished student who has maintained a 4.2 GPA, while enrolled in many Honors, AP, and DE classes. His ACT score is also an amazing 30. His coursework leans heavily on CHS’s technical classes including Digital Media, Drafting, Engineering, and Coding. In addition, Max represented CHS at Boys’ State and received the CHS Boys Soccer Team Academic Award every season of his high school career. Around campus at Covington High, Max has been involved with National Honor Society and FCA, as well as being a member of the CHS Varsity Soccer team for 4 years. In the community, Max is active in CYSA soccer, serving as his team’s captain. He is also an active member of First Baptist Church in Covington participating in youth group and volunteering at VBS. In the future, Max plans attend college and major in engineering. In their nomination, Max’s teachers commend Max as respectful, super-smart, and sincere.
Congratulations to both these amazing students, and best wishes for what we know will be bright futures beyond CHS’s walls!
February 2024
A committee of CHS teachers met to choose the Covington High School’s Students of the Month for February 2024. The committee selects from a pool of students nominated by the faculty based on the traits of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. February’s Students of the Month are Amanda and Hector.
Amanda been an honor student her entire CHS career, earning a 4.45 overall GPA while enrolled in honors and AP classes across the board, even earning college credit through AP exams and dual enrolled classes. She scored an impressive 29 on the ACT. Her 4.0+ GPA is evidence of her intelligence and commitment to excellence, as is the fact that she has been on the Honor Roll all of her semesters at CHS. Amanda has also been honored for her creativity, winning awards – including Overall 1st place--from the Louisiana Association of Fairs and Festivals Poster Contest in her freshman and junior years. Around campus, Amanda devotes much of her time to the CHS Dance program. She has been a member of the Dancin’ Darlin’ team for 3 years and served as its Lieutenant last year. Amanda is also active on the Student Council where she served as class VP, as well as on the Executive Board-- of which she is the President this year. Amanda belongs to the National Honor Society and is a participant in the Science Olympiad. In our community, Amanda has volunteered extensively, both on CHS’s campus at activities like Beautification Day, Academic Clinic, Trick-or-Treat Street, and Homecoming week decorating—but also out in the larger Covington community with organizations such as The Miracle league, The Northshore Humane Society, and the STOPS 5K Run. After graduation, Amanda hopes to attend college in the fall to major in biomedical engineering. Amanda was nominated by multiple teachers because of how seriously she takes her commitments and the quiet strength that makes her such a driven student.
Hector also has been a staple on the CHS Honor Roll, an amazing feat-- especially considering he has taken every honors, AP, and Dual Enrollment class possible. Much of his coursework is concentrated in the medical curriculum such as DE Emergency Medical Responder, and he is certified in CPR and the operation of AEDs. Hector was chosen to represent CHS at HOBY when he was a sophomore and at Boys’ State last summer as a rising senior. He attended Literary Rally for Government and received the Government Departmental Award. Around campus, Hector is active in The National Honor Society where he serves this year as Secretary. He is also a Student Council Class Representative. He spends most of his extracurricular time at school on the Robotics team, building and competing with our school’s robots in competitions all over the South. Out in the greater Covington community, Hector volunteers his time at events as varied as the Abita Suicide Prevention Run, The Special Needs Horse Ranch, and the Voter Registration Drive, in addition to the CHS Trick-or-Treat Street and Future Focus nights at CHS and Pitcher Jr High. In the fall, Hector hopes to enroll in college and pursue a career as a lawyer. Hector’s teachers praise his positive attitude, his determination to succeed, and his ability to be a friend to all.
Congratulations to these two amazing CHS students! Thanks for your contributions to CHS and the class of 2024!
March 2024
A committee of CHS teachers met to choose the Covington High School’s Students of the Month for March 2024. The committee selects from a pool of students nominated by the faculty based on the traits of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. March’s Students of the Month are Denae and Malachi.
When you look at her resume as a student, Denae has all the credentials. Her 4.0 GPA, her honor roll history, her participation at the state level of Literary Rally for Business, the variety and number of her honors, AP and dual-enrolled classes –these all indicate what an accomplished student she is. In addition to her dedication to academics, Denae is an involved member of the CHS community. Her passion is dance, and she has contributed as a member of the Dancin’ Darlins in all 4 years of her CHS career and as one of the team’s officers this year. In addition, she is a 4-year member of Student Council, and this year serves as the Executive Board Reporter. Denae was chosen to represent CHS at Girls’ State and also on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee. In addition to her involvement at school, Denae has a part-time job and extensive volunteer service. In fact, she has volunteered over 125 hours as a part of her National Honor Society membership --in addition to giving of her time at the Humane Society. After graduation in May, Denae plans to attend a 4-year university and pursue a degree in business and accounting.
Malachi is also an honor roll student who has challenged himself with honors, and dual enrollment classes during his CHS career. Malachi attended SLU District Literary Rally in Spanish, and has represented CHS at the Vonnie Borden Festival, winning 2nd place in the Oratory Competition in his sophomore year and 1st place as News Anchor his junior year. In addition, Malachi placed 1st in Poetry Out Loud’s Parish competition, and 3rd in the state last year. Most recently, he competed at the New Orleans Branch Round of the National Shakespeare Competition and placed 1st. He will now compete at nationals in New York City on April 15th! Around Campus, Malachi serves on Student Council-- this year as its Executive Student Council President-- and formerly, as Junior Class President. He also holds membership in National Honor Society and the Environmental Club. However, Malachi is best known on campus for his roles with CHS’s Talented Theater program—more than 12 roles spanning his CHS career. His roles are too many to mention individually, but in February, he played the protagonist of The Crucible, John Proctor, and in this year’s production of 110 Stories, he played Don Casey. Malachi is also volunteering out in the community, helping out at Halloween Trunk-or-Treat and at CHS beautification Day. After graduation, Malachi looks forward to college life, and working towards a degree in theater which he hopes to parlay eventually into a collegiate teaching position.
Congratulations to these two amazing CHS students! We are proud of you, and we thank you for the excellent example you set for your peers.
April 2024
Each month, a committee of CHS teachers and staff meets to select two senior students as students of the month. The committee bases its choices on students’ academics, character, service and leadership. April 2024’s CHS Students of the Month are Stephanie and Shane.
Stephanie is an Honor Roll student who has challenged herself with Honors, AP, and Dual-enrollment classes throughout her career at CHS. She has maintained a 4.36 average while doing so. Stephanie is EMS and CPR Certified. She was awarded the Best Dancer in
Dance I and received the Departmental Award for Best Student in Journey to Careers. She competed with the CHS Talented Theater Program in the Vonnie Borden Theatre Competition where they won the Sweepstakes Award. In addition, Stephanie has been selected for District Honor Band and has earned the 1st Chair spot on her instrument, the Euphonium. In addition to her Talented Theater appearances in The 39 Steps and Alice in Wonderland, Stephanie has been a part of the Lady Lions Tennis Team, National Honor Society, and the Tri M Music Honor Society – where she served as the Secretary. Also, she was selected to attend the National
NHS LEAD SPARK Conference. However, Stephanie’s main focus has always been music. She has played in the Marching Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Symphony. In her Senior year, she was selected as one of the Marching Lions’ Drum Majors. In the Greater Covington Community, Stephanie gives of her time at her church choir and volunteers with the LA Philharmonic Orchestra and the STOPS Suicide Prevention Run. Teachers who nominated Stephanie remark on her willingness to help and her enjoyment of her studies, as well as her kind and sincere nature. After graduation, Stephanie will attend college to pursue a degree in nursing while also participating in ROTC to become an Non-Commissioned Officer in the US Army National Guard.
Shane is also a very accomplished student with a wide variety of interests and achievements. He has been named to the Honor Roll every quarter of his life, as he says, and has been awarded All Academic 2nd Team in Wrestling 3 years in a row. He has consistently chosen high level classes like honors, AP, and DE, but has also taken many technical courses in drafting, AutoCad, Auto Tech, and Welding. Shane has competed on the CHS Wrestling Team all 4 years of his HS career and has finished in the top 3 multiple times in tournament action. He also competes with CHS’s Welding Team and finished 4th in competition. Shane volunteers his time and talents in the community by selling concessions at sporting events to benefit CHS, participating in Project Christmas providing toys for children in need, climbing the stadium in memory of the 9/11 First Responders, and volunteering at the Barbarian Challenge. Shane also works part-time and owns his own business. Teachers who nominated Shane praise his integrity, his manners, and his commitment to improving himself. He truly is the hardest working guy at CHS! Shane will attend Southeastern University in the fall.
Congratulations to these two amazing students who embody all that a CHS Lion should be!
2022-2023 Students of the Month
Each month, members of the CHS Student of the Month committee, composed of teachers and staff members, meet to select a senior who excels in the areas of academics, leadership, community involvement, and character. This month’s seniors who were selected are Caroline and Mason.
Caroline is an honor student who has consistently challenged herself with advanced coursework across the curriculum. From honors, to AP, to dual-enrollment classes, she excels in all of them -- as evidenced by her perfect GPA. In addition, she scored a super score of 30 on the ACT with a perfect 36 on the reading section. She was chose to represent CHS last summer at the Rotary Youth Leadership Award Camp. In addition to her academics, Caroline devotes a large percentage of her time to volleyball, both as 4-year member and 3 year letterman of the Lady Lions and on her club volleyball team. Elsewhere on campus, Caroline devotes her time to The National Honor Society and FCA, has served on the student council, and participated on the cheer and powerlifting teams. In the greater Covington Community at large, Caroline has given of her time and talents to volunteering at track meets at LSU, at the registrar of voters, and around campus on beautification day. Teachers describe Caroline as hyper-focused, sincere, and down-to-earth, and they note that she is a good friend. After graduation, Caroline plans to pursue a degree in kinesiology and a career as a sports physical therapist.
Mason also excels academically in every subject area and at all levels of CHS’s accelerated curriculum. His ACT score is an amazing 34; super scored he achieved a 35, with a perfect score of 36 in Science. Mason is involved on campus as a member of the CHS football and baseball teams for the past 4 years. He has played varsity football for 3 years and is a kicker, and has been a starter on the baseball team for 3 years. His passion for sports also extends to his travel baseball team, to which he devotes much of his time outside of school. In addition, Mason gives of himself in volunteering with the Knights in Action. Mason made an impression on the faculty, who describe him as hard-working, kind, and resilient. After graduation, Mason plans to major in aerospace engineering a eventually work for Boeing.
Congratulations to these two deserving and hard-working students, and thanks for the positive example you set for others!
Here at CHS, we are proud to recognize seniors who have excelled as students, leaders, community members, and human beings. A committee of teachers and staff has met and selected from a pool of nominees 2 students who represent CHS and themselves with distinction. October’s Students of the Month are Emily and Noah.
Emily, an honor student, excels in advanced coursework across the curriculum, including honors, AP, and dual-enrollment classes. She scored an impressive 28 on the ACT, with a 33 in Reading. Emily is active in the Emergency Responder courses as well. On campus, Emily is an avid sportswoman – a 4-year member of both the Lady Lions Varsity Volleyball and Softball teams. Last year, she was honored for her skills, being named to the All-District Second Team. Elsewhere on CHS’s campus, Emily devotes her time to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the National Honor Society. Emily’s teachers describe her as a natural and effortless leader and role model, someone who represents the very best CHS has to offer. In the community, Emily is active on the Challenge Volleyball Club. She also gives of her time and talents to First Baptist Church’s Vacation Bible School, registering voters in St. Tammany Parish, and with St. Michaels’ Family Promise. After graduation, Emily plans to continue playing sports as well as pursue a degree in radiology.
Noah is also a fantastic honor student, making straight A’s every semester of high school in the most demanding coursework CHS has to offer. His ACT score puts him in the above 30 club, and his English score is a near- perfect 35. Noah represented CHS as Louisiana Boys State as well as with the HOBY Youth Leadership project. He received the 2020 Spanish Departmental Award and competed in Literary Rally. On the football field, Noah has competed for 3 years at CHS, and in addition he has participated on the Varsity Track and Field and JV Powerlifting teams. Noah belongs to the National Honor Society and holds certification in Microsoft Word and SP2 Safety and Pollution Prevention. The teacher who nominated Noah praises his work ethic and natural intelligence as well as his drive to succeed. In the larger Covington community, Noah has volunteered at the St. Benedict’s Lenten Fish Fry and with various projects with National Honor Society. In fact, Noah completed more than 40 hours of service to his community. After graduation, Noah plans to attend college and pursue a career and Sports Medicine.
Congratulations to these amazing students. We thank you for all you’ve done for CHS and the example you set for others!
Covington High School selects 2 seniors each month as Students of the Month. These students are nominated by their teachers based on their character, academics, leadership, and community involvement. We are proud to announce that November’s Students of the Month are Margarita and Hayden.
Margarita is a driven honor student who has challenged herself with advanced coursework across the curriculum. Currently, she is dual-enrolled in Emergency Medical Responder, English 101-102, and Biology II. She represented CHS at HOBY and has been involved on campus throughout her high school career. She holds membership in the National Honor Society and has cheered in the varsity squad for the past 3 years. Her peers chose her for the CHS homecoming court in 3 of her 4 years. In addition to her activities on campus, Margarita has devoted time to the grater Covington community as well, and her teachers describe her as a kind, quiet, academically determined girl who balances it all with grace. After graduation, Margarita plans to attend a 4-year university and pursue a career as a dental hygienist.
Hayden is also a fantastic student who excels academically in the most difficult classes CHS has to offer, from gifted, to AP, to dual enrollment courses. His ACT score, an impressive 31, attests to his achievement. However, Hayden not only strives for success in the classroom, he also gives of himself in extracurriculars. He is a four-year member of the CHS Robotics team as well as a member of National Honor Society. In this, his senior year, he was elected president of that organization. On the pitch, Hayden competes on the Varsity Soccer Team. Out in the greater Covington Community, Hayden plays on a rec soccer team and has volunteered his time at Project Prom, CHS School clean-ups, and Academic Clinic. Hayden’s teachers praise his positive attitude, his genuine personality, and his work ethic. After graduation, Hayden plans to attend a 4-year university and earn a degree in engineering.
Congratulations, Margarita and Hayden, and thanks for all that you’ve done for CHS as well as the example you set for other students!
A committee of CHS teachers met to choose the Covington High School Students of the Month for December 2022. The committee selects from a pool of students nominated by the faculty based on the traits of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. December’s Students of the Month are Samantha and Bryce.
Samantha is an honors student with a cumulative 4.57 GPA who has consistently challenged herself with advanced coursework in all subject areas: honors, AP, and dual enrollment. She attended the STBSB Summer Video Institute and is certified in Adobe, Photoshop, Word, and PowerPoint. Samantha also earned certification as a First Responder and is CPR certified. On campus, Samantha competes on the Varsity Swim Team and is a 4-year member, serving this year as that organization’s senior captain. Samantha also belongs to the Jumbotron Crew and is the captain of the Away Team. In addition, Samantha holds membership in the National Honor Society and serves as the Student Council historian and reporter, a job she has held for the past 2 years. She has volunteered in the community at her church and at LSU track meets, with the Salvation Army, and tutoring other students. She was chosen by her peers this year as a Senior Maid on the Homecoming Court. Samantha also trains in the Martial Arts. The teacher who nominated Samantha describes her as a strong student who is always willing to help. Upon graduation, Samantha plans to attend college and pursue a degree in the medical or communications area.
Bryce also excels as an honor student at CHS --with an amazing GPA of 4.48. He has, throughout his career at CHS, chosen to take honors, AP, and dual enrollment classes, and has been very involved in athletics and elsewhere on campus. He received the Pre-Calculus Subject Area Award and represented CHS proudly at Boys State and RYLA. He is certified in Adobe, Photoshop, and Premiere Pro. Bryce belongs to the National Honor Society and FCA. However, it is athletics that are Bryce’s passion. He competes on the Varsity Football and Baseball teams as a 4-year member, and is a former member of the Varsity Basketball team. Out in the greater Covington community, Bryce volunteers his time and talents at the Samaritan Center, and also to run the broadcast and music for his church, work VBS, and participate in Youth Group. Teachers describe Bryce as driven, but with a heart of gold. After graduation, Bryce plans to play college football and major in business.
We are so proud of both of you, Samantha and Bryce, and want to thank you for all that you do for our school--- and for the example you set for other students.
Each month a committee of teachers meets to select senior students to be honored as CHS Students of the Month. Students are chosen based on the qualities of: scholarship, leadership, character, and service. This month’s Students of the Month are Shae and Hayden.
Shae is a well-rounded student who combines high academic achievement with extensive involvement all over CHS’ campus. An honor student who excels at advanced coursework, Shae maintains a 3.8 GPA while challenging herself with Honors and DE classes. Shae performs in the Talented Theater program as a 4 year member and has backstage and onstage experience in both lead and supporting roles. As a 4 year member of the Dancin’ Darlins, Shae has performed countless routines, and this year serves as Co-Captain. Elsewhere on campus, Shae works on the Jumbotron crew and serves as the Senior Class Representative. In her spare time, Shae volunteers in the community and works part-time.
Hayden also keeps himself busy, in body and mind. His leadership in the NJROTC program spans his 4 years at CHS, and his class load features some of the most challenging coursework CHS has to offer…AP, Gifted, Honors, and DE. In addition, Hayden’s ACT Score is an amazing 34, just one point from perfection! Hayden has represented CHS at Literary Rally in English and Psychology and won the Departmental Award in English, Spanish and Psychology. In CHS’s NJROTC unit, Hayden has served as Academic Teams commander, Cyber Security Team commander, and Color Guard team commander. He has also participated on the Drone and Marksmanship teams. Hayden is also a member of The National Honor Society. Out in the Covington Community at large, Hayden gives of his time and talents to the relay for Life and Project Prom. After graduation, Hayden will pursue a long academic path, ending with a PhD in astrophysics, astronomy, or chemistry.
Congratulations, Shae and Hayden! CHS is proud of you and wishes you well in your next chapter of life at the university level!
A committee of CHS teachers met to choose the Covington High School Students of the Month for February 2022. The committee selects from a pool of students nominated by the faculty based on the traits of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character. February’s Students of the Month are Isabelle and Beau.
Isabelle has been an honor student her entire CHS career, earning a 4.45 overall GPA while enrolled in honors classes across the board, and in her senior year is taking English VI/101, a dual enrollment class for which she will receive college credit. Isabelle represented CHS at Literary Rally in Psychology and at the FFA Creed speaking contest. In athletics at CHS, Isabelle competes on the Varsity Powerlifting Team. She also belongs to FFA and the Environmental Club. She is a certified lifeguard, as well as being ServSafe and AutoDesk certified. In the Covington community, Isabelle has volunteered her time planting trees. In addition, Isabelle works a part-time job. After graduation, Isabelle plans to attend college and pursue a career in criminal psychology.
Beau has also maintained an impressive GPA while challenging himself with advanced courses in every subject area. He, too, will receive college credit as a high school senior through English IV/101 course. He is certified in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint, Adobe Premiere and Photoshop. Beau has distinguished himself as a member of the National Honor Society, and has competed as a CHS Lion on the JV and Varsity baseball teams, and most recently, on the Varsity Powerlifting Team. In the larger Covington Community, Beau gives of his time and talents to volunteering at St. Peter Church, with his rec baseball team, and during Hurricane Ida cleanup. He also works part time at his family’s business. In the future, Beau plans to pursue a degree in architecture at college.
Congratulations to these deserving students, and thanks for the great example you both set for other students!
Each month, a committee of CHS teachers and staff meet to select-- from a pool of nominated students-- 2 standouts as students of the month. These students represent what it is to be a well-rounded member of a school community and are chosen on the basis of scholarship, character, leadership, and service. For March, the students selected are Haley and Braden!
Haley’s academic career has been marked by strong achievement as well, with her 4.25 GPA in some of the toughest classes CHS has to offer such as DE Pre-Calculus and AP courses. She is certified in Adobe, Microsoft Word, and Premiere Pro. On campus, Haley devotes her time to National Honor Society and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Elsewhere in Covington, Haley participates as a competitive cheerleader, and has for 10 years. She also gives of her time as a coach for younger kids, and as a volunteer at LSU Track Meets, School cleanup days, and at the Registrar of Voters. Haley also holds a part-time job. Haley’s teachers praise her sincerity, sweetness, and commitment to success. Haley’s plans after high school include pursuing a degree and career as a Chiropractor.
Braden also commits himself to academic success by taking the tough classes across the board and striving for perfection. He is currently pursing college credit in DE Statistics, Biology, and English. He has been named to the honor roll every semester of his high school career. Braden also earned certification in IBCA. He belongs to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and is a former member of the CHS Baseball team. However, Braden’s passion is for football, competing as a Fighting Lion all four years on the Varsity team. Braden’s teachers nominated him on the basis of his warmth, good humor, and academic excellence. After graduation, Braden plans to major at the college level in business or kinesiology.
Congratulations to these deserving seniors. We are proud of you and look forward to great things in your post CHS lives!
Each month, a committee of CHS teachers and staff meet to select-- from a pool of nominated students-- 2 standouts as students of the month. These students represent what it is to be a well-rounded member of a school community and are chosen on the basis of scholarship, character, leadership, and service. For April, the students selected are: Haylee and Rubin!
Haylee is a driven honor student who excels in advanced coursework across the curriculum. She scored well on the AP English Language exam and earned college credit in dual-enrolled Pre-Calculus and English IV. She is an active member of The National Honor Society and is in the talented Art program here at CHS. She volunteers her time in the community, helping out with Project Prom, babysitting events at Lyon elementary, tutoring at Academic Clinic, and cleaning up around campus on beautification days. In addition, Haylee works part-time after school. Her teachers describe her as committed, kind and caring--someone who will pursue her goals with passion. After graduation, Haylee plans to attend college and pursue early childhood education and business degrees in the hopes of owning her own daycare business one day.
Rubin also works to achieve great things in his academic life. As a 4-year honor roll student, he has taken honors, AP, and DE classes, and excelled in all of them. He belongs to The National Honor Society and the Interact Club. On the soccer pitch, Rubin has dedicated himself to the Soccer Lions on the Varsity Team, serving as captain for the past 3 years. He was also named Second Team All-District and was 2019’s Top New Player. Rubin also competes in the off season on the Mandeville Elite, a club team. Around Covington, Rubin donates his time to many causes: NHS school Cleanup, Trick or Treat events for the community, volunteering at the LSU State Track Meet, and working wrestling concessions. Rubin’s teachers commend him for his never-say-die attitude and his heart of gold. In college next year, Rubin plans to major in biology.
Congratulations to these deserving seniors. We are proud of you and look forward to great things in your post CHS lives!