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Social Studies

Social Studies Course Descriptions

World Geography (Regular, Honors, Gifted)- 1 year course

Grade 9, Prerequisite for Honors Enrollment: A or B in 8th grade social studies, Mastery or Advanced on LEAP, and teacher recommendation.

This course is designed around the physical and cultural geography of the world. It will emphasize the development of geographic skills as they relate to the connectivity between various peoples, the places that they live, the economics associated with those places, and the social dynamics that exist there. There will also be multiple research and design projects known as “performance tasks”. Lastly, the students will have to read, analyze, respond to, and evaluate technical articles, constructed response activities, and creative writing assignments. The goal of the class is to not only be academic in nature, but to also give students a greater understanding of the world in which we live.

A.P. Human Geography- 1 year course

Grade 11, 12

Like World Geography, this course is also a study of the physical and cultural geography of the world. However, this course will also involve analyzing the means in which geographers apply their methodology. The students will be required to not only know the methodology, but also the terminology associated with it. Be aware that this is a collegiate level course that, in addition to classroom instruction, will require outside (independent) study and self-initiative. The students will receive grades for formative assessments, as well as summative assessments, leading up to their final test. The score for the AP test will not factor into a class grade for the year, but students are required to take the AP exam. Please note that permission slips are required for this course, and that there is a cost associated with this course! An additional aspect to this course is that the students will also take an embedded course called “History and the Social Sciences.” It is though the “Modern States” online CLEP website. This course is FREE, and so is the test, provided that the students finish the online “modules” required to receive a test voucher. Class time will be set aside for the embedded course. However, this course will also require outside (independent) study and self-initiative. In short, the students may be able to earn up to 6 hours of college credit in one class, provided that they pass the AP test, and that their chosen university accepts these courses. Given that the students may not be aware of which university they will attend, or which courses that university will accept, it is possible that the course may not count towards graduation requirements put forth by the university that they have chosen. The AP Human Geography course will be labeled as an elective, as the previously taken World Geography credit by the student would be applied to the Social Studies requirement.

U.S. Government (Regular, Honors) formerly titled Civics- 1 year course

Grade 9, 10, Prerequisite for Honors Enrollment: A or B in 8th grade social studies, Mastery or Advanced on LEAP, and teacher recommendation.

In this course students learn about the duties, rights, and responsibilities of U. S. citizens. Students examine the Constitution and Bill of Rights and learn how our local, state, and federal governments are organized. It is also a general survey of the American free enterprise system including basic economic theory and practice. Economic concepts, including resources, market, supply and demand, profit, etc., will be emphasized.

U.S. History (Regular, Honors, AP)- 1 year course

Grades 11, 12, Prerequisite for Honors and AP Enrollment: An A or B in all English and Social Studies classes.

*AP enrollment additionally requires a minimum ACT score of 18 composite or Silver on the Workkeys. American History can be dual enrolled with Southeastern Louisiana University for 3 credit hours each semester (there is a course fee per semester).

This is a survey course that examines American history from the post-Civil War to the present. The study will be chronological. Students will analyze the themes of American history that tie historical events and developments to one another. Research and analytic writing is required. All students are required to take the U.S. History LEAP2025 test in the Spring Semester. A passing score on LEAP2025 is required for graduation.

World History (Regular, Honors, Dual Enrollment)- 1 year course

Grade 12, Prerequisite for Honors and Dual Enrollment: An A or B in all Social Studies classes.

*Dual Enrollment additionally requires a minimum ACT score of 18 composite or Silver on the Workkeys. Dual Enrollment Course is enrolled with Southeastern Louisiana University for 3 credit hours each semester (there is a course fee per semester). **Please note that students will be required to complete Modern States coursework and also take the CLEP test if they enroll in Honors or Dual Enrollment World History.

This is a survey course that examines world history from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution during the first semester. The second semester will include events from the Industrial revolution to the present.