Physical Education
Physical Education Course Descriptions
Health Education- 1 semester elective
Grades 10, 11, 12
This course covers the dimensions of total wellness. The physical, mental and emotional, and social dimensions will be discussed to help guide the student to reduce health risks behavior and improve their lifestyle.
Physical Education I- 1 year elective
Grade 9
This course is designed to expose students to a variety of activities to help them in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Units of study will be on team sports (floor hockey, flag football, soccer, cabbage ball, volleyball, and basketball) and lifetime sports (badminton, elementary games, pickle ball, power walking/strength training/flexibility training, and recreational games). The class emphasis will be placed on fitness, motor skills, and safety.
Physical Education II- 1 year elective
Grade 10, Prerequisite: PE I
This course is designed to expose students to a variety of activities to help them in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Units of study will be on team sports (floor hockey, flag football, soccer, cabbage ball, volleyball, and basketball) and lifetime sports (badminton, elementary games, pickle ball, power walking/strength training/flexibility training, and recreational games). The class emphasis will be placed on fitness, motor skills, and safety.
Physical Education III- 1 year elective
Grades 11, 12, Prerequisite: PE I, II
This course is designed to expose students to a variety of activities to help them in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Units of study will be on team sports (floor hockey, flag football, soccer, cabbage ball, volleyball, and basketball) and lifetime sports (badminton, elementary games, pickle ball, power walking/strength training/flexibility training, and recreational games). The class emphasis will be placed on fitness, motor skills, and safety.
Physical Education IV- 1 year elective
Grade 12, Prerequisite: PE I, II, III
This course is designed to expose students to a variety of activities to help them in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Units of study will be on team sports (floor hockey, flag football, soccer, cabbage ball, volleyball, and basketball) and lifetime sports (badminton, elementary games, pickle ball, power walking/strength training/flexibility training, and recreational games). The class emphasis will be placed on fitness, motor skills, and safety.
Conditioning PE I- 1 year elective
Conditioning PE II - 1 year elective
Conditioning PE III - 1 year elective
Conditioning PE IV- 1 year elective
Grades 10, 11, 12, Prerequisite: CHS Athletes only
This course is designed to develop the four health components of physical fitness: cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, body composition, and muscular strength and endurance.
Dance I, II, III, IV - 1 year elective
Grade 9, 10, 11, 12
This course incorporates the technical study of the three main genres of dance: Ballet, Modern, and Jazz. Students will learn the basics of choreography, performance, and dance history. Students will learn the benefits of dance and also the options of dance as a career such as dance education, dance therapy, and performance opportunities.