General Information
In order to graduate high school, you must:
- Complete the TOPS University or a Jump Start Pathway
- Pass three EOC Tests in the following categories to earn a standard diploma: (a) English II or English III; (b) Algebra I or Geometry; and (c) Biology or American History
Upon entering high school, all freshmen are put on the TOPS University path. At the end of a student's sophomore year, they can choose to remain on that track or choose a Jump Start Pathway. Graduation requirements are different depending on which path (TOPS University or Jump Start) is chosen, so discuss with your guidance counselor what would be best!
Covington High Pathway Options
All students, regardless of which graduation path is chosen, are encouraged to get certifications and explore pathways in order to learn more about career opportunities beyond high school! These are the following options available at Covington High:
Jump Start 2.0 Pathways
Available for incoming 9th graders beginning in 2020-2021 and beyond
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Architecture and Construction
Arts, A/V Technology, and Communication
Business Management
Health Sciences
Hospitality and Tourism
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security