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Health and Medical

Medical Assistant (Dual-Enrollment)- 1 year elective

Grades 12                               

(Off-site course based at Fontainebleau High School)

This course offers a comprehensive, student-centered education designed to prepare the graduate for entry-level employment in a multitude of healthcare settings, national certification and to obtain knowledge and skills that serves as the foundation to build a successful career. Preferential seating will be given to students on the Tops Tech diploma pathway.

Human Anatomy and Physiology-1 year elective

Grades 11, 12                            

Human Anatomy and physiology focuses on the structure and function of the human body. In this course, we will examine how your body is organized, its basic chemistry, and the structure and function of the organ systems.

Child Development- 1 year elective

Grades 10, 11, 12                        

The A section of this class includes the study of physical, cognitive, social and emotional theories and principles of human growth and development from conception through school age. The B section of this course teaches skills that promote human growth and development including nurturing, discipline and effective communication.

Emergency Medical Responder- 1 year elective

Grade 11, 12, Prerequisite:  Passing grade of Biology I, 1.85 GPA, and at least 16 years old by the end of the course.

This course prepares students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate lifesaving interventions. Students who pursue certification as an Emergency Medical Responder through the Louisiana Bureau of Emergency Services, a subsidiary of the Louisiana Department of Health, are eligible to take Emergency Medical Technician the following year.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) (Dual-Enrollment)- 1 year elective

Grade 12

(Off-site course based at Fontainebleau High School)

This course is taught by an Emergency Medical Services professional from Northshore Technical Community College. Instruction focuses on providing out-of-hospital emergency medical care and transportation for patients who access the EMS system. Students in this course are prepared for certification as an Emergency Medical Technician through the Louisiana Bureau of Emergency Services, a subsidiary of the Louisiana Department of Health. Please note that scholastic accommodations are not allowed per the certifying agency.

Pre-Practical Nursing (Dual-Enrollment)- 1 year elective

Grade 11, 12 (2-year commitment)

By application only

Entrance Requirements: 2.0 unweighted GPA, PreACT/ACT Scores: Math 19, Reading 18, English 14, Guidance Counselor recommendation required, Interview Required

Students in Grade 11 begin the Practical Nursing program by taking online Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing and Medical Terminology classes. In Grade 12, students in the program exit campus to take Practical Nursing coursework on the campus of Northshore Technical Community College and practice nursing skills in a clinical setting. After graduation, students are expected to attend Northshore Technical community college for three semesters to complete the program.