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Business and Computer Tech

Business and Computer Tech Course Descriptions

Customer Service – Universal Pathway Elective- 1 year elective

Grades 10, 11, 12

The Customer Service and Sales Certification measures a candidate’s ability to learn about products or services, assess and meet customer needs, educate customers, and provide ongoing support. The certification is appropriate for anyone interested in obtaining a job or pursuing a career in retail and other industries that value customer service and sales skills.  The nationally-recognized, professional certifications signify that the person who earns them has demonstrated knowledge and skills noted as important to successful employment in companies in the sales and service industries. A student or worker who earns a certification will have a national, transferable certification of skills and knowledge in Customer Service, Sales, and/or Retail Management. (Students have the opportunity to earn the following Industry-based certification:  National Retail Foundation (NRF) Foundation Customer Service and Sales)

Desktop Publishing- 1 year elective

Grade 11, 12, Prerequisite:  IBCA

This class is also known as "Paw Prints." The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the real world of business by operating and maintaining a print shop.  The students will learn various print shop and desktop publishing software, such a Microsoft Publisher and Adobe PhotoShop. The students will design business cards, flyers, posters, brochures, invitations, etc. The Paw Prints students design and sell the Halloween and Valentine candy grams.  Each   student will become a part of and experience a business setting.  They will design and market products, advertise, sell and keep financial records for a business.  An internship or work-site learning position may be applied for after completion of 1 year of Desktop Publishing, “Paw Prints”class.  This is a great class for students who like to be involved and creative on the computer.

Principles of Business- 1 year elective

Grades 11, 12

This course provides students with the skills necessary to success as a small business employee and/or owner. Students will learn the steps required to start a new business, participate in hands-on simulations, understand key financial concepts, and interact with industry professionals.

Digital Media I- 1 year elective

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12, Prerequisite:  Successful completion of IBCA recommended

This course allows students to express their creativity through the use of a variety of digital programs including Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Students will be prepared to sit for the Adobe Certified Associate industry-based certification exams in Photoshop and Illustrator.

Digital Media II- 1 year elective

Grades 10, 11, 12, Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Digital Media I

This course prepares students for careers in the television, film and Media industry. Through lecture, lab and studio productions students develop skills in the three production phases: Pre-production, Production, and Post-production. Courses will cover areas such as script writing; studio production (audio & video); and digital editing using Adobe Premiere Pro. Students will be prepared to sit for the Adobe Certified Associate industry-based certification exam in Premiere Pro.

Digital Media III- 1 year elective

Grades 11, 12, Prerequisite:  Successful completion of Digital Media I and II, Adobe Premiere OR Photoshop certification

Students serve as photographers at school events and develop videos for the jumbotron. Lessons include taking pictures and prepping photos for the school website, creating promo videos for the jumbotron, and serving as photographers for dances and events. Additional project and opportunities for Adobe certification will be offered as well.

Digital Media IV- 1 year elective

Grades 11, 12, Prerequisite:  Digital Media III

Students have two primary goals: create the sunset dinner video and to create Photoshopped portraits for seniors in all auxiliary and sports teams. Additional project and opportunities for Adobe certification will be offered as well.

Fundamentals of HTML, CSS, Java- 1 year elective

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Students learn fundamentals of Web programming in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS through designing and completing website, animation, and video game projects. Projects appear within a portfolio on the student’s website project.

Advanced Java, Programming- 1 year elective

Grades 10, 11, 12, Prerequisite: Fundamentals of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Level 1 certification

Continuing from Fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this course dives deeply into advanced programming concepts, including jQuery, functional programming, and higher order functions. Additional projects build out the student’s website portfolio, including a study of widely used JavaScript functional programming libraries, basic data structures, and video games.

Project Lead the Way – Introduction to Engineering- 1 year elective

Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Engineering Essentials offers a multidisciplinary approach to teaching and learning foundational concepts of engineering practice, providing students opportunities to explore the breadth of engineering career opportunities and experiences and solve engaging and challenging real-world problems. By inspiring and empowering students with an understanding of engineering and career opportunities, Engineering Essentials broadens participation in engineering education and the engineering profession.

Project Lead the Way – Principles of Engineering- 1 year elective 

Grades 10, 11, 12

Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics, including mechanisms, the strength of structures and materials, and automation. Students develop skills in problem solving, research, and design while learning strategies for design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation.